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David R. Earnest

David Earnest

Assistant Professor

Psychological Science and Counseling


I received my Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology with a concentration in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from The University of Memphis in 2010. Before joining 365bet as an adjunct faculty member in the I-O Master’s program, I taught undergraduate and graduate courses for 9 years in the Psychology department at Towson University in Maryland. My teaching interests include courses in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Behavioral Statistics, Research Methodology, and Study Abroad. Applied experiences have included recruitment and selection procedures, program evaluation, and experimental methodology across business, health care, education, civil service, and military environments. My research interests include recruitment and selection, intercultural competencies, and teaching pedagogy.

I currently teach:

  • Measurement and Statistics in Applied Psychology (PSYC 5502)
  • Research Methodology in Applied Psychology (PSYC 5503)
  • Thesis (PSYC 5989 & 5990)
  • Special Topics: Applied Research and Consulting Center (PSYC 6040)

I am accepting students to work with me on research projects and am willing to serve on thesis committees.

  1. Keim, A. C., Sanders, A. M. F., Rada-Bayne, T. B., & Earnest, D. R. (2023). Active Student Responding and Student Perceptions: A replication and extension. Teaching of Psychology. doi: 10.1177/0986283231191110
  2. Schmidt, C. K., Earnest, D. R., Miles, J. R. (2019). Expanding the reach of Intergroup Dialogue: A quasi-experimental study of two teaching methods for undergraduate multicultural courses. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education13(3), 264-273. doi: 10.1037/dhe0000124
  3. Katz, E. C., Earnest, D. R., Lewis, C. (2018). Impact on negative mood and craving of a classroom policy prohibiting mobile technology use. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s41347-017-0042-2
  4. Stansbury, J. A., & Earnest, D. R. (2017). Meaningful gamification in an industrial organizational psychology course. Teaching of Psychology, 44(1), 38-45. doi: 10.1177/0098628316677645
  5. Earnest, D. R., Rosenbusch, K., Wallace-Williams, D., Keim, A. C. (2016). Study Abroad in Psychology: Increasing cultural competencies through experiential learning. Teaching of Psychology, 43(1), 75-79. doi: 10.1177/0098628315620889
  6. Rosenbusch, K., Cerny, L., & Earnest, D. R. (2015). The impact of stressors during international assignments. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 22(3), 405-430. doi: 10.1108/CCM-09-2013-0134
  7. Earnest, D. R. (2014). Realistic Job Previews. In D. Guest, & D. Needle (Eds.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Management: Human Resource Management. (3rd ed., Vol. 5).
  8. Earnest, D. R., & Landis, R. S. (2014). The importance of applicant perceptions when recruiting employees to teams. International Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 5(2), 81-91.
  9. Keim, A. C., Landis, R. S., Pierce, C. A, & Earnest, D. R. (2014). Why do employees worry about their jobs? A meta-analytic review of predictors of job insecurity. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 19(3), 269-290. doi: 10.1037/a0036743
  10. Landis, R. S., Earnest, D. R., & Allen, D. G. (2013). Realistic Job Previews: Past, Present, and Future. In K. Y. T. Yu, & D. Cable (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Recruitment (pp. 423-436). New York: Oxford University Press.
  11. Earnest, D. R., Allen, D. G., & Landis, R. S. (2011). Mechanisms linking realistic job previews with turnover: A meta-analytic path analysis. Personnel Psychology, 64, 865-897. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-6570.2011.01230.x
  12. Earnest, D. R., & Dwyer, W. O. (2010). In their own words: An online strategy for increasing stresscoping skills among college freshmen. College Student Journal, 44(4), 888-900.